Monday, January 7, 2013

BKO Kung Fu Sanda Class

What is Sanda? In laymen’s terms, it's Kung Fu without any ground work. This style is very popular with Brandon's current instructor. A Sanda match will involve kicking, punching, and takedowns. Once an opponent is taken down then the point is gained and the fighters are reset. A well known UFC fighter has a huge background in Sanda. He names in Cung Lee and was one of the best fighters in the world.

I know some people will disagree with my last statement. However, they probably had UFC blinders on. Kung Lee did not come to the UFC till after his prime, in my opinion. He is still able to kick butt. It’s hard to be a fierce competitor at 40. Before UFC he dominated his own field of martial arts.

I like the Sanda aspect of fighting due to its ability to help transition a fighter from traditional stand up fighting to ground work. In his current school, he is able to learn Stand up, takedowns, and grappling. I continue to tell Brandon that only knowing one type of fighting is a very bad strategy. I’m hoping later on he will get some more training with elbows and knees. I have thought about getting him some Muay Thai training. However, no one really teaches it in our area. Well, one person does but his prices are ridiculous.

So, let’s get to today’s film. Brandon is going to be giving commentary on his fighting. This will help in a few areas. One help him examine what he is doing right and wrong and help him to vocalize his ideas. Both of these can help in all aspects of life.

Enjoy today’s video.

and if you want to see a Cung Lee video, I found a cool one on youtube.

Read our most recent post on BKO Kung Fu.

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