Sunday, January 13, 2013

In need of additional Kung Fu competition

Today we are posting Brandon's 3rd sparring video. You'll notice we have the same person sparring Brandon. Unfortunately, we are currently waiting on more people to join the class for Brandon to fight against. Remember, this school has just started but Brandon has been with the instructor for 3 years.

We were hoping to see one of Sifu's old Kung Fu students come back. At least he said he would be coming back. He has some skill and is 3 years older than Brandon. So, this would be good practice for him.

I would like to have Brandon go to some other local schools and "challenge some kids to sparring." However, I know people frown on this. I'm not sure why. It just seems to me, if I was trying to perfect my marital arts skills, I would want to compete against new people.

I guess this is what the tournaments are for. It just seems like an expensive way to go about it. We've already spent $300 on the upcoming Kung Fu tournament in Houston and we haven't even left yet.

Speaking of the tournament, there are some rules we are going to need to follow. First off, Brandon needs to stop punching and kicking people in the face. This might be great for a fight but not for competition or classroom sparring. It's an easy way to get disqualified.

It will be interesting to go to this first large tournament. We aren't expecting Karate Kid or anything. However, we expect the level of skill to go far beyond our local tournaments.

Read our most recent post on BKO Kung Fu.

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