Sunday, January 27, 2013

Kung Fu Versus Taekwondo

Kung Fu Versus Taekwondo

On Friday, Brandon's normal sparring partner did not make it to class. Luckily for us, his instructor requested a sparring partner with someone in the Taekwondo class in the other room. I have a lot of respect for people who will spar without an moments notice. It was a short sparring lesson but I feel it was very helpful. 

Having Brandon spar someone who knows Taekwondo just helps him gain a wider experience base. In a few weeks three of the instructors will be bringing their teams together for an in-school tournament. This will pit Kung Fu versus Taekwondo. I expect it to be a good time for everyone. In addition, it will help with preparing for the upcoming tournament in Houston. 

After the short sparring session, Sifi Oscar went a few rounds with Brandon. It's always good to fight someone better than you. This allows you to see you weeknesses and find out what's possible. 

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