Wednesday, January 2, 2013

IP Man and Rapid Fire Punching

Yesterday, we reviewed IP man again. In our opinion it's the best Kung Fu movie ever. We even had my wife join us in the viewing. Of course, she liked it. Who can not like this movie? Even if you don't like martial arts too much, the story line is one of hardship and overcoming. Combine that with hard hitting action and it's awesome.

My son asked me the purpose of the machine gun style punching Donnie Yen uses in the movie and when I thought it would be best to use it. My opinion was to use it when none of your attacks seem to be getting through. By utilizing this method, your opponent should be so busy blocking he won't be able to see any change up in his attack. For example, in the fight against the boxer, he is rapid firing punches against the boxer's forearms. Then he switches to an uppercut which he never saw coming.

Read our most recent post on BKO Kung Fu.

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