Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Interview with Emil Martirossian

Emil has been studying martial arts since he was 3 years old. He has been requested to demonstrate all over the world. He has even played a part in one of the Batman movies which we think is awesome. 

I understand you have learned both western boxing and Thai boxing. What is the difference between the two?

Well, Western Boxing works only the hands and in my book Boxers have the best hands in the business.  You should know how to Box. I believe it is a very important tool. Thai Boxing uses powerful elbows and Knees. They are very deadly. They are a very good tool to have with you. But all in all for street self defense I think Thai boxing is pretty good.

Out of all the martial arts you do which one do you focus on the most?

I focus on Jeet Kune Do and I also focus on developing my own style of unarmed Combat called "Urban Combat” which has been featured in Martial arts illustrated magazine many times.

What does it take to become a 5th degree black belt in Taekwondo?

Hard work and lot's of dedication. You have to know your forms inside and out, breaking tests and written exams.

What was it like giving a demonstration in Hong Kong?

It was an absolute honor to be invited out by Bruce Lee sister Phoebe and the Chair man of Hong Kong Bruce Lee Fan Club W. Wong to demonstrate for his anniversary I loved every minute. Hong Kong is a magical city full of mystery.

What inspired you to right a book about Jeet Kune Do?

I was inspired after my Uncle Armen who passed away in 2003. He was a 7th Degree Black Belt in WTF Tae Kwon Do. He died of ALS when he was 47. He was also my teacher. So, I felt I needed to write a book to keep his legacy alive and so he can also be remembered for his brilliance.

What are your favorite things about martial arts?

I love everything about the martial arts. How it gives one focus and energy in life and gives you that positive outlook on life. So, you can deal with people and society in a certain way and help the up and coming generation to realize there is more to life than X-Box. I also love the sparring and I really enjoy the close quarter combat tactics. Also, I really love to meditate.

Out of the movies you have played in, which is your favorite and why?

I enjoyed all of them but the most fun we had was when I worked on Batman Begins. I met several great martial artists on set. We became like Brothers and we had a chance to work out on and off the set. I learnt a lot about the film industry. At this time I have just finished working on a TV series and I am due to fly out to Hong Kong to start my career as an Actor - Martial Artist which I'm very excited about.

We wish you luck Emil and can't wait to see you on the big screen again.

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