Sunday, June 2, 2013

Brandon Sparring with Kickboxers

For all our friends that have been following Brandon's progress, you know he has a real challenge trying to find people to spar. So, he does crazy things like spar with adults from the local kickboxing class.

Last Thursday the instructor from the kickboxing class allowed Brandon to spar some of his students. I believe he sparred 5 in all. It was a great learning experience for him. All the students, were more than happy to give Brandon some pointers.

This is only the second time Brandon has sparred where face contact was allowed. At least this time he was prepared for it. You can tell the hands from the adults can land hard against Brandon but they didn't seem to bother him. He reminds me of Rich Franklin. He doesn't get geared up until someone actually hits him. He's still relatively small and hasn't started adding any weight on his frame. We appreciate them taking it down a notch and not trying to punch with all their might.

We believe Brandon did very well. He kicks are spot on; landing may solid hits. He still needs so work with his hands. The good news is Brandon will also be taking boxing lessons this summer from a previous Olympic champion. These lessons should help out tremendously.

Brandon is still looking for people to spar so he can improve his skills. However, as previously mentioned in earlier articles, it appears most martial arts schools are an island to themselves and either don't want to help anyone outside there little group or don't want to be exposed for how bad they are.

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