Monday, March 10, 2014

Interview with Angela Jennings - MMA Fighter

MMA fighter
MMA fighter
Angela Jennings is an upcoming MMA fighter. She trains 5 to 6 days a week in Muay Thai, BJJ and MMA preparing to be the best Female MMA fighter she can be. She is striving to go pro in the near future. 

What inspires you?

I would have to say that Angela Jennings inspires me. I inspired myself. That is one of the things I love about MMA or fighting…it’s just you out there, you and your opponent. Win or lose you have no one to blame but yourself. I have something to prove to myself and that is what I want to do.

What has been your biggest accomplishment to date? Why did it mean so much to you?

My biggest accomplishment to date would have to be me stepping into my debut fight. I stepped into the cage with a less than 24 hour notice against a tough experienced fighter who was also a title belt holder, at Joe Louis Area in Detroit MI. I took the fight with nothing to lose and everything to gain. Although I lost in the 3rd round via rear naked choke, it was the best fight of my amateur career to date and I couldn’t of asked for a better experience or debut fight.

Congratulations on winning your fight against Courtney Losievsky in: 47 seconds. What do you feel gave you the advantage during that fight? 

Thank you, I feel like I had a couple advantages in that fight…I came in very prepared, mentally and physically. Any fight I take or anytime I step into that cage I am always prepared to fight someone that is the best. As my coach always tells me “We aren’t preparing you for this fight we are preparing you for the top (UFC)”.  I always train as if I were to fight the world champion. I never underestimate anybody!

Are there any rules that are different between female MMA fights and male fights? Is so, do you agree or disagree with these differences? 

When it comes to rules, I don’t there is any difference and I agree with that. 

What are 3 things women should know before they consider before participating in MMA fighting?

When it comes to participating in MMA, especially the cage... There are a few things that not only women should know but anyone. MMA is not a joke. MMA is something you have to be dedicated too. It cannot just be a part-time thing, especially when you want to compete in a ring. People need to understand it is a life altering experience, once you step into a cage you don’t step out the same person. Some people rush or get into fighting and don’t realize you can get hurt, or even die. When you participate in MMA you have to be prepared mentally and physically knowing that.

What do you think makes the difference between someone who wants to be a professional fighter and someone who makes it?

The Difference will come down to your mental mind state and HEART. You have to be willing to dedicate your life and be willing to make sacrifices. You either want it or you don’t.  There is always going to be someone else out there who is working harder than you and wants it more, that is what you have to tell yourself.

What are your pet peeves?

Hmmm…I would have to say one of my biggest pet peeves is “WANNA BE, UFC” Fighters. One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing someone who comes to the gym 1 or 2 times every 2 weeks, and trains for an hour and says they want to fight. Or trains once or twice and wants to tell everyone they are a fighter.  NO you’re not a fighter! I can tell you right now; I’m a fighter and I’m in the gym 5-6 days a week, more than once a day, especially with my fight camps. 

What superhero do you believe resembles your personality the most?

Lol, I don’t think there is any superhero that resembles my personality.

What can we expect to see from you in the future?

In the near future I am planning on going pro. I have some big opportunities coming up and hopefully you will really get to see me showcase my skills. 

Thank you Angela for taking time to answer our questions. 

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