Sunday, February 2, 2014

Interview with Svitlana Zavialova - Wushu and Kickboxing Champion

Svitlana Zavialova is a Wushu and Kickboxing Champion from the Ukraine. She is a successful model who has been featured on TV and Magazines. She is currently working on an upcoming movie premier as a lead actress. 

Why did you decide to pursue Wushu vs. other martial arts styles?

It wasn’t really something I had to decide. I was bewitched by this art/sport from the very first moment I saw it. I found it reflecting myself and answering all my questions about me.

What is it like being a foreigner in China and do they train you differently?

Well, it was and is very interesting but I’d say I live a happy life full of adventures and I am discovering something new every day. I’ve been living in China for 4 years by now. It feels like home, I have also met really good friends here.

Yes, the Chinese train in a different way. I cannot be sure about comparing it with how people train in the USA, as I am familiar more with the European type of training. The key point I found different in the Chinese way is they are focusing more on being relaxed rather than being tense. What was totally weird for me was when I do nan-quan, (southern fist.) Later, I understood what it is about and how to achieve the speed they have, I’m still learning about how to apply this principle easier and more often.

Tell us about you kickboxing history.

My kickboxing story starts from my home town Sevastopol, (Crimea, Ukraine.) I was going to start Wushu class, but as it occurred, it was a kickboxing place that called themselves Wushu. As it was the best option I had in those conditions, I went forward with it. Later, I was very lucky meeting a Chinese man, who performed Chinese medicine in the Ukraine. He was trained in traditional Wushu and I practiced with him for a while. At the age 17, I was invited to a Boxing club in another city. Competing for this club, I won most of the competitions I ever attended in kickboxing. Basically, as soon as, the opportunity to compete in Wushu appeared I moved to the capital and practiced and performed for the Ukrainian Wushu Federation.

You are currently training with the Chinese Opera? Can you tell us about the organization and what it teaches you?

Right now, I am looking more in a direction of film-making and made my first steps in this field. Training with the Chinese Opera in the Jilin and the Laoning province was very wonderful. This is quite an extraordinary event for a foreigner to train and perform with them. Chinese opera training includes, singing, acting, acrobatics, stage fighting and of course Wushu; also traditional lion dance and mask theater.

Concerning martial arts, what impresses you the most when you see someone else doing it and why?

Oh, interesting question. A while ago I admired only physical abilities, but now I’d say dedication, being focused, belief and passion. Also I appreciate people who do martial arts – respect to others, encouraging others, respect to older people. Important things that impress me is when people value friendship higher than competition.

Tell us about some of your psycho-physical programs you have invented?

As a psychologist, I was always into psycho-physiology and most of my research were about increasing the physical result by doing mental exercises. I started my research at the time of the Olympic Games in the 80’s (Moscow.) from methods the Soviet Union used to prepare their athletes. Later, I wrote a program that could be used in the rehabilitation process and by people with disabilities; a system of psycho-fitness exercises. It was published in the Ukraine.

What are you upcoming projects we can follow?

This is really exciting, my first feature film as lead actress, “My name is Tanyusha,” is in production at the moment. I’m also producing and directing a documentary and I will make an official announcement very soon. To read more about “My name is Tanyusha” click right here: and the 
Official FB page of Film:

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

I’d like to encourage everyone to keep practicing and improving no matter in what conditions you are in right now. Trust yourself and value friendship!

Svitlana, thank you for taking the time to answer our questions. We look forward to seeing your new movie. 

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