Sunday, December 22, 2013

Ian Schaffa Interview. Ellite MMA fighter from Australia

Ian Schaffa Suplex
Ian Schaffa has earned a formidable reputation in Japan and Australia. His achievements include:
XFC World Champion, Austral-Asian Vale Tudo Champion, Bronze Medalist at the 1999 Australian National Greco-Roman Wrestling Championships, 2 x Kickboxing Champion, 2 x Full Contact Karate Champion, Ranked top 10 Australian Boxing, Ranked top 10 Australian Kickboxing. He holds a purple belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and a black belt in Kyokushin

BKO Kung Fu: As a profession fighter for 10 years, what tips would you give yourself when you first stated if you could go back in time?

Ian:  Don't listen to negative people.
         Believe in your ability. Practice.
         Dream big.

BKO: What's your best training technique to get better at blocking?

Ian: Have people come at you with different attacks and get used to it. Practice defending. 

BKO: Do you feel fighting against as many different styles as possible has given you unique insight? How so?

Ian: Having to train for different styles in a short period of time taught me to adapt very quickly and perform.

BKO: Where there anything that caught you off-guard when you started to fight in Japan? How did you adjust?

Ian: The Japanese culture caught me of guard. I wasn't used to alot of things. Japanese food, language, etiquette etc but i quickly learned.

BKO: We read about your drinking and fighting in the past? What would you tell someone who does this also?

Ian: If it's caused by personal issues, maybe see a professional to get those issues dealt with. Aim to change your focus. If you can successfully drink and have street fights, then you can use the same amount of energy succeeding in something a little more positive.

BKO: Did you run away from home when you were younger? What was that about?

Ian: Yes, I was a troubled teenager. I had personal issues that had to be dealt with. I held alot of anger and did not know how to deal with it. 

BKO: How did you overcome your anger issues?

Ian: I found something new to focus on and channel my anger through.

BKO: We understand you have a huge interest in helping others less fortunate. Are you currently working on any projects in this field? How can others help?

Ian: Yes I have been visiting a group of homeless people for the last couple of years. I make food and share it with them. They are very grateful. They make me happy. I am not asking for any help directly although if you do know of someone that is less fortunate that requires help please give.

BKO: What are you goals for the next 10 years?

Ian: My main goal for the next 10 years is to continue to grow my business. I want us to be the leading program in the Australian fitness industry.

BKO Kung Fu: We look forward to seeing this happen and wish you all the luck. 

Be sure to visit to find out more about Ian's fitness business. 

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