Wednesday, April 3, 2013

International Wushu Set Problems


This week Brandon has started learning his first form in the International Wushu Set. Many people would consider this an advanced Kung Fu form. People on the Beijing Wushu Team probably feel it's simple. I'm sure it's all a matter of perspective and the level of players you surround yourself with.

With this form there are a few parts he's have some difficultly with. It's obvious to us it's a step up from previous forms. There are 3 moves that he is having trouble with at the moment. The butterfly kick, Kick up, and the no-handed cartwheel.

He's been trying the butterfly kick for a month. He wasn't even coming close until today. Today, he made some good progress. He's got the movement down. Now all he needs is to hit the landing. After that it's just making it look perfect.

Then he has the Kick up. Today was the first day we had him try this. He's had reservations about it in the past. So, there is still a lot of ground to cover on this. I believe he'll have this down by next week; maybe two.

Last is the no-handed cartwheel. At the moment, I'm not sure how he's going to get this one done. Maybe we need a gymnastics teacher to help. Time for some research on this. Once he has this new form down pretty good, we'll shoot a video for you guys.

Read our most recent post on BKO Kung Fu.

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