Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Interview with Eliot Marshall

You started your martial arts training with Soo Bahk Do? What type of martial art is it? Can you give some examples on how it is similar or different than a main stream form?

Soo Bahk Do is a traditional martial art.  It is a karate style.  It is totally a mainstream martial art

It seems every fighter knows or is learning Brazilian Jiu-jitsu now? What fighting style do you believe may be the biggest challenge for someone who only knows BJJ?

Wrestling is the most difficult style to deal with for any fighter that is one dimensional.  The wrestler can control where the fight takes place.  So if you are a BJJ guy that can't get your fight to the ground you have a problem. 

You were featured on the Ultimate Fighter 8. How does one get chosen to be on this show? What did you do to beat out other possible participants?

I sent my resume in and then went and did an interview and medicals.  I skipped the try out part.  Not quite sure what I did other then have a good resume and interview.

What was the biggest thing you learned during the Ultimate Fighter time? How has it helped you?

That I can accomplish anything.  I didn't enjoy my time on the show it was pretty miserable.  Making it thru that makes you tougher.

Where did you come up with the nickname “The Fire?”

My friend Tyrone "T Money" Glover gave it to me and it stuck. 

What has been the hardest thing about co-owning a MMA school? What advice would you give someone just starting out?

It is a lot of work.  It's no different then anything else though in that you have to do the little things that no one else is willing to do.  That is the difference.  Every day you need to wake up and know that a lion is chasing you and that you are the gazelle. 

What has been the biggest serendipity you received from being the only American to ever win gold at blue, purple, and brown at the Pan American Games?

Not much it's just kinda cool that I was the first.  I believe there are a bunch of guys that have done it since.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

That's it. Thank you 

Eliot we appreciate your time to answer our questions today.

Read more about Eliot Marshall at his school site.

Read our latest post at BKO Kung Fu

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