Thursday, September 4, 2014

Martial Arts Interview: Anna Kristina Ranoso

kristina ranoso
kristina Ranoso

Martial Arts Interview: Anna Ranoso

Anna Ranoso is an accomplished martial artist with backgrounds in Taekwondo, Wushu, Muay Thai, and XMA. She also has a growing career in music and movie stunt work. 

When did you start your martial arts career? How did it come about?

My career in martial arts first started in 2009, a few months after I had moved to California. I originally came to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music, but after performing martial arts in live shows for a few corporate events, I was hooked!

While performing with the martial arts troupe, I was training at open gyms & met a few stunt people who helped me get into TV & film. There were also people who had seen the work I had done through my troupe that contacted me and helped make the transition.

Anna Kristina Ranoso Action Reel

What are some of the differences between film combat and regular combat?

In film combat, movements are large and for the camera. For film, you must consider camera angles, aesthetics & safety.

In regular combat, movements use economy of motion & less telegraphing.

But the biggest difference is that in real combat, the goal is to win, whether it be to defend yourself or overcome another person. In film combat the goal is make things look good as safely as possible.

Have you ever used martial arts in a real life situation? If so, tell us about it.

Martial arts is not just movement. Martial arts is a spirit one embodies. I use martial arts every day in striving to live in the most authentic way possible.

Tell us about XMA and your involvement with it..

I studied XMA for a year and I very much enjoyed the teaching, movement & culture that goes along with it. It is about doing your best and being your best at all times. XMA continues to progress and push the envelope with new, cutting edge movements. Competitors keep advancing their forms, getting better, & growing in their art.

What's your favorite thing about being a stunt actress?

Everything! I love it all!

Tell use about your band. Where we can we listen to your music?

I am currently in between bands but my old music can be found on itunes and my YouTube channel . I am working on new music projects that will be released next year. For updates, you can visit my website at

How do you make time to do all these activities?

There is always time for what you love.

Can  you share with us your future goals and what we can expect from you next. 

In the past year I have been training in different forms of movement that I plan on sharing very soon! I did some stunt acting in the movie Black Sky which should be in theaters this or next year.
Up next for me is to continue in stunts, martial arts, & music. I plan on putting out more media and hopefully being involved in more film & TV projects!

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

Train hard, be consistent, live passionately, love with your whole heart, believe in yourself and believe in others. Don't be afraid to be you. Be good to yourself and be good to others. Happy training!

Anna, thank you for interviewing with our site. We had a lot of fun watching your YouTube videos and can't wait to see you in Dark Sky.