Thursday, September 4, 2014

Martial Arts Interview: Anna Kristina Ranoso

kristina ranoso
kristina Ranoso

Martial Arts Interview: Anna Ranoso

Anna Ranoso is an accomplished martial artist with backgrounds in Taekwondo, Wushu, Muay Thai, and XMA. She also has a growing career in music and movie stunt work. 

When did you start your martial arts career? How did it come about?

My career in martial arts first started in 2009, a few months after I had moved to California. I originally came to Los Angeles to pursue a career in music, but after performing martial arts in live shows for a few corporate events, I was hooked!

While performing with the martial arts troupe, I was training at open gyms & met a few stunt people who helped me get into TV & film. There were also people who had seen the work I had done through my troupe that contacted me and helped make the transition.

Anna Kristina Ranoso Action Reel

What are some of the differences between film combat and regular combat?

In film combat, movements are large and for the camera. For film, you must consider camera angles, aesthetics & safety.

In regular combat, movements use economy of motion & less telegraphing.

But the biggest difference is that in real combat, the goal is to win, whether it be to defend yourself or overcome another person. In film combat the goal is make things look good as safely as possible.

Have you ever used martial arts in a real life situation? If so, tell us about it.

Martial arts is not just movement. Martial arts is a spirit one embodies. I use martial arts every day in striving to live in the most authentic way possible.

Tell us about XMA and your involvement with it..

I studied XMA for a year and I very much enjoyed the teaching, movement & culture that goes along with it. It is about doing your best and being your best at all times. XMA continues to progress and push the envelope with new, cutting edge movements. Competitors keep advancing their forms, getting better, & growing in their art.

What's your favorite thing about being a stunt actress?

Everything! I love it all!

Tell use about your band. Where we can we listen to your music?

I am currently in between bands but my old music can be found on itunes and my YouTube channel . I am working on new music projects that will be released next year. For updates, you can visit my website at

How do you make time to do all these activities?

There is always time for what you love.

Can  you share with us your future goals and what we can expect from you next. 

In the past year I have been training in different forms of movement that I plan on sharing very soon! I did some stunt acting in the movie Black Sky which should be in theaters this or next year.
Up next for me is to continue in stunts, martial arts, & music. I plan on putting out more media and hopefully being involved in more film & TV projects!

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

Train hard, be consistent, live passionately, love with your whole heart, believe in yourself and believe in others. Don't be afraid to be you. Be good to yourself and be good to others. Happy training!

Anna, thank you for interviewing with our site. We had a lot of fun watching your YouTube videos and can't wait to see you in Dark Sky.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Naomi Karpati - Female Action Performer of the Year 2012

Naomi Karpati
Naomi  Karpati currently works at Sanctuary Cove Golf Club as a fitness expert and trains at Wise Force Chinese BoxingShe has recently established herself as a martial arts action star in Agent Provocateur/Elite; where she won Best Female Action Performer of the year at the Action on Film Festival  -2012 in Los Angeles.

What is the difference between Chinese boxing, boxing and kickboxing?

Chinese boxing is an umbrella term that refers to martial arts created in China. It teaches defensive skills like blocking, parries, grappling, footwork, joint locks and advanced training includes multiple attackers and weapons.

Can you tell us about your background in Chinese boxing?

I've started training at Wise Force Chinese Boxing when I came over to Australia in 2009 being the only girl at the start. Started with learning basic principles and landed thousands of punches and kicks before I could move to more advanced techniques and gained an understanding of other philosophies. 

Is there a different mentality in Europe towards martial arts than in Australia?

Definitely, just like there is a cultural difference. In Hungary, where I came from martial arts are not as popular as for example team sports are. In martial arts it is more karate, boxing and kickboxing that are popular rather than muay thai which is the most sought after discipline in Australia.

Was it always your desire to be an actor? What made you decide to act? 

I never had desires to become an actor. I sort of fell into it through martial arts and stunt training. My character motivated a script and it all started from there.

How did you get selected to play Alex in Agent Provocateur? 

My trainer James Richards at Wise Force Chinese boxing who is also a film maker had an inspiration for a character that he wanted me to portray so my skill set can be displayed on the big screen. 

Why do you feel Agent Provocateur stood out above all the other action films that year?

Because it had an interesting story line, a sense of reality attached to it and good action sequences in it. 

What is your normal training routine for a week?

Training 2 hours 4 times a week at Wise Force practicing combat skills and handling weapons. Cardio training including running, high intensity interval training 3 times a week. 

How much and what kind of training do you do with handguns?

In the preparation process of the film we started going into a bit deeper and I was taught how to move with the gun properly and how to aim at multiple targets. 

What projects are you working on that we can look forward to in the future?

Hopefully we will some more action and different skill sets brought on screen including some of my favorite knives. 

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

Learn and work hard in your art, whatever that may be, believe in yourself and keep moving forward. 

Find out more about Naomi at

Thursday, July 10, 2014

Rustic B. Martial arts and Parkour expert. (Interview)

Rustic Bodomov
Rustic Bodomov has over a decade of experience in martial arts with training specialization in Judo, TKD, Karate, Jiu-Jitsu, and boxing. He also has 7 years of Parkour and freerunning experience. He's been featured on camera in films, television and commercials on numerous occasions. 

How did you get your first paid gig as a stunt person? 

I moved out to Los Angeles specifically to pursue stunt work. Before I moved out, I already had a little bit of screen fighting experience (gained from making videos with my friends), and several years worth of parkour videos I used to I cut together a showreel for myself in order to market myself.

Right after I moved to Los Angeles, I started training at several gymnastics gyms in the area and asking around about where the stunt people trained. After meeting a couple of working stunt people, and making some friends, I was referred to do some tumbling on a music video as a favor for a friend. My first paid stunt job came as another referral after that music video, I was asked to be the main character for this video -

If one wants to break into action movies, do you think it's easier to start out as a stunt person and then become an actor or is it better to go straight into acting?

I don't have a straight answer to this one. Both paths are difficult for their own reasons, I would recommend for the aspiring action actor and/or stuntman to decide which direction you want to go for yourself, then take it. Becoming good at acting, just like stunts, takes hard work and time to get good at. If you want to be an action actor like Jackie Chan, starting with stunts will teach you set etiquette and how a film is run, as well as educate you on how to safely perform your own stunts.. but going directly into acting will start getting you established as a "name" which can be attached to sell a movie.

How many times on average does one have to do a stunt before the director is satisfied with it?

This varies from stunt to stunt, and director to director. If a stuntman is asked to do a high fall, or a similarly large stunt or wreck, everyone will be pushing for only one take. From personal experience, I've only been asked to do a "big" stunt for a maximum of 2-3 takes.

When you get into fight choreography, the amount of takes will start to rise because you have more factors involved (such as a moving camera person, several performers, varying energy levels), and you can start seeing upwards of 5-10 takes per shot. Jackie Chan is known for doing some of his "trick" stunts over 100 times to get it just right!

At what martial arts skill level would you recommend someone to make a showreel of themselves for marketing purposes?

If you are going to be pursuing a career in the action film industry, I'd recommend getting yourself some good looking footage soon. The sooner you have something you can use to get jobs for yourself, the better. If you don't have the ability to create something that accurately reflects your skill, I'd wait until you start working with other people and get enough good footage for a 1 min video (this is a good, short, sweet length for a reel).

Important Side Note!! Martial Arts skill level is not important when it comes to screen fighting skill, and they often times aren't even in the same boat. While Martial Arts will teach you proper body control, and will definitely help you make your Martial Arts style movement look great, you still want to train with some screen fighters in order to make yourself look good on camera. I come from a Martial Arts background, and I struggled for the longest time to be able to translate my skill level to film. (Martial Arts movements tend to be small and efficient, while good-looking screen fighting movements tent to be bigger, more showy, and sometimes aren't even proper technique.

What do you find is the best way to network in the martial arts community?

Honestly, I haven't really networked much with the Martial Arts community. I have made good friends with fellow Martial Artists in the stunt world, but my main networking happens within the stunt community in Los Angeles.

There are several ways to network in the stunt community. Several times a year, different groups of people host "stunt networking" events..and there are several awesome stuntmen who have great training equipment set up in their backyards, and let people come train with them. 

Personally, my favorite way of networking (and where most of my work stems from) is to become a real friend to the people I meet. I try and leave a good first impression while remaining honest to myself. People can usually tell when you're being sincere and open minded, and it will take you far in life. :)

No one teaches Parkour in our area. What's the best way to get started with it?

I also started learning Parkour when there were no gyms or instructors around! There are plenty of online resources for learning various parkour moves safely (I learned almost everything from YouTube), and you don't need to leave the ground (aka go on roofs) to learn how to do every type of movement!

My advice is, don't be afraid, get out there and start moving around and have fun! If you'd like a starting point, check out how to do a parkour roll 

What kind of diet do you have to keep up your strength and stamina?

I don't follow any set diet plan, but I do try and keep my food intake clean. This means that on a good week, I will stay away from any bread, fried or processed food. I don't drink soda. I try to eat as many green vegetables as I can, along with a good source of protein (chicken, beans, etc). Greek Yoghurt and Chick Peas are amazing too... I might be getting too particular here, but my basic nutritional philosophy is to stay away from anything processed, deep fried, or carbonated. It just feels so good to eat clean!

What projects are you currently working on that can we can look forward to in the future?

I'm currently helping produce my first feature film, called "Boone: The Bounty Hunter", which stars my friend John Hennigan (aka, WWE's Johnny Nitro).

Also, I just doubled one of the main actors on "SMOSH: The Movie" which comes out later this year/early next, and I'm waiting on a couple of VFX-heavy projects I starred in last year to be finished. My side project for the time being is my youtube channel.

Is there anything else you would like to tell our readers?

You've probably heard this before, but it's true.. only you can do anything you set your mind to! I've learned time and again that the secret for creating success in anything you set out to do is to do it with a positive attitude and to really invest in yourself with hard work. What would the future, successful you be doing right now? Training? Writing? Filming? Be the person you see yourself being in the future, today! 

Thank you very much for your time, and for asking such great questions guys! :)